Pictures from the last few days, Tuesday and Wednesday, are now uploaded. 
The team is safely in Guangzhou! We slept at a nice hotel last night for a few hours, and we're now enjoying breakfast at Starbucks before boarding our final flight. We'll see you all soon!

-ms. Baker
Hey mommy, daddy, and Sangmin!
Today is my last day in the Philippines and I'm heading to the airport in half an hour.
I am just loving this place but also happy to be back home.
I will see you soon and I really miss you guys><
Plz make 된장찌개 for me when I get back~
I will show you ALL the photos and will tell you ALL the funny stories and experiences I had
I am so excited!! Luv ya all <3
오늘이 필리핀에서 마지막으로 지내는 날입니다. 10일 동안 여기서 일하고 나니 시각도 바뀌었습니다. 여기 사람들은 집안이 가난 한데에도 인생을 즐기고 있습니다. 그래서 집안 상황이 필리핀 사람들보다 비교적으로 좋아서 저도 인생을 즐기도록 하겠습니다.
A few pictures of our last day are up here.  More to come later.
The Chengdu and Shenyang teams lead a chapel service this morning at the school next door (JCCV). Afterwards we began our massive clean up and packing time. We have a few more fun things to do before we eat lunch and then head to the airport. We'll be spending the night in Guangzhou, and our last flight to Shenyang is Thursday morning. See you soon!
Saying goodbye is always the hardest part of our trip. Today is our last full day, and the students are currently working on their last projects - clearing a grass field, shoveling dirt, teaching swimming lessons, tutoring at the school, participating in a feeding, and playing with the toddlers at the Children's Home. This afternoon we'll be debriefing as a team, and then tonight will be our last night leading devotions. From years past, I remember this as being the HARDEST part of the trip. How can I tear these students away from these kids? It breaks my heart each year. This year is especially hard as many of our seniors have built these relationships for the past 2 or 3 trips. I'm so proud that many of them want to return on their own one day. One of last year's graduates is going to do that this summer! She'll be working at the JAZ home for a few months. We are so proud of her!

Please be thinking about our team as we prepare to leave tomorrow. Get your questions ready, because these students have many stories to share!!

-Ms. Baker
엄마 하이 오늘 우리 맨날 가는 고아원같은데 가서 애들이랑 큐티같은거 하고 하는건데 오늘이 마지막 날 이었어ㅠㅠ 다 끝나고 이제 가려는데 애들이 막 울고 해서 너무 아쉬웠어..ㅠㅜ 어떤 애들은 나 이제 차 타려니깐 가지말라면서 내년에 또 오냐고 물어보면서 그러니깐 내년에 또 와야될것만 같고ㅠㅠ 오늘은 너무 아쉬운 날 이였어..

Today we had went to the Journey for Hope, which we have devotion with kids, however teacher said that today was the last day. After everything was done I was about to leave then there were some kids and our team people crying so I felt sad..Also, when I was about to get in car they asked me as they were about to cry if I'm coming back next year, so I felt that I should come back here. Today was a sad day...

Today, I tutored students in the school which is located right next to the mango trees. I was kind of familiar with that area because I had to work there before. I taught the first graders. Some of them did know how to read books, but some of them did not. It was really hard to help kids read books. I had to make sure that they all know what sound each alphabet have. After teaching, I had a swimming lesson with other kids. I do not know how to swim, so I was scared to teach them how to swim. Fortunately, most of girls knew how to swim, so I did not have any trouble with the swimming lesson. After the lunch, I had to shovel dirt. It is one  of my least favorites but I tried my best. Now, I have to go to the children's home and hangout with them. Bye for now! -SJ

Pictures from last Friday's trip to the Waterpark are uploaded here. Also, I finished uploading this morning's pictures from the Tent City feeding.