Saying goodbye is always the hardest part of our trip. Today is our last full day, and the students are currently working on their last projects - clearing a grass field, shoveling dirt, teaching swimming lessons, tutoring at the school, participating in a feeding, and playing with the toddlers at the Children's Home. This afternoon we'll be debriefing as a team, and then tonight will be our last night leading devotions. From years past, I remember this as being the HARDEST part of the trip. How can I tear these students away from these kids? It breaks my heart each year. This year is especially hard as many of our seniors have built these relationships for the past 2 or 3 trips. I'm so proud that many of them want to return on their own one day. One of last year's graduates is going to do that this summer! She'll be working at the JAZ home for a few months. We are so proud of her!

Please be thinking about our team as we prepare to leave tomorrow. Get your questions ready, because these students have many stories to share!!

-Ms. Baker
2/18/2013 05:33:29 pm

Prying for you guys as you say goodbyes! I know this will be especially hard for LH, CC, TR, PJ and any other seniors who have been on the trip multiple times.
Also-- thanks for what you said at the end. It made my day.


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